The Western Mystery Tradition

In an exhilarating blend of scholarly intrigue and Indiana Jones-style discovery, Dr. Albo peels back conventional history and brings to life a golden thread of forbidden knowledge and mystical architecture hidden all around us.

The Golden Thread

In The Golden Thread, Dr. Frank Albo sets down for the first time a stream of esoteric philosophy that has secretly advanced the history of world civilization. It peers into the remote chambers of perennial knowledge and unveils a body of mystical teachings uniting theology, philosophy, psychology, and science.


Forbidden Knowledge

Forbidden Knowledge surveys thousands of years of esoteric philosophy from ancient Egyptian cosmology to modern popular culture. In an edifying feast of religious mythology and occult symbolism, this course offers real answers to the mysteries of secret societies and the wisdom traditions of the West.

Mystical Architecture

Mystical Architecture unravels a matrix of esoteric ideas that will radically change your perception of the built environment. It traces the development of mystical conceptions of design and reveals an underground stream of aesthetic principles permeating the construction of our buildings, gardens, and cities.